The Original School of Italian Plasters was created by Safra stucco company and their U.S. distributer, Doyle Self. I took over as the Safra teacher in 2008. A few years later, Safra succumbed to a financial death as many other business did in the recession. I, though, loved teaching and continued teaching for other suppliers such as Magna Colors, Variance, and Japanese plasters.
The California School of Italian Plasters taught until 2015, when I closed it done as I moved to Kansas City, Missouri of for personal reasons.
Currently, I have been busy establishing my application business, Italian Plasterworks, a space suitable for teaching. When I do, hopefully in 2018, I will personally teach a beginner class and will bring masters of veneer plastering to help me teach advanced workshops.
If you have any questions, please ask for Ayn Riggs.